Sunday, June 21, 2009

True Blood Tomato Toast

Tonight's episode of True Blood revealed several apotropaics: crucifixes, silver, having to be invited by a homeowner in order to enter a house, sunlight...all in one episode! However, they didn't make mention of the use of garlic as a device used to ward off vampires. (I seem to recall a reference in season one that suggested that it didn't actually work.) In any event, I decided to make a garlicky bite to enjoy during the episode anyway.

Pan con Tomate is one of my favorite Spanish snacks. I first discovered it in Barcelona (where it is deconstructed and you are given the raw ingredients to make it yourself - ask Gargi!) and then rediscovered it at my favorite watering hole, Bar Jamón. Even though it's not quite tomato season, it's so tasty and so easy, I had to make it anyway. It's perfect with a glass of vino tinto, and perhaps with a bit of Manchego on the side. And, of course, my Bloody Bellini!

Pan con Tomate

Baguette, Ficelle or other rustic bread, cut into a 5-inch piece, then split lengthwise
1 garlic clove
1 large beefsteak tomato, sliced in half
Extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt, to taste (kosher salt can be used in place of sea salt)

1. Toast or grill the bread (or place it under the broiler briefly like I did). Cut the garlic clove in half and then rub the cut sides over the toasted bread.

2. Rub the tomato
, flesh side down, over the bread so that the juices and pieces of tomato seep into the bread. Use a half-tomato for each piece of bread.

3. Drizzle the bread with the olive oil and then sprinkle with salt to taste.


WendyB said...

You have me all ready to go to Bar Jamon again!

Jill said...

God I'm hungry!