Thursday, March 24, 2011

International Waffle Day!

Friday, March 25 marks a momentous day for waffle lovers near and far. International Waffle Day, which originated in Sweden where it's called Våffeldagen, is a great excuse for a big breakfast. And to make it even better, according to Midtown Lunch, you're entitled to a free waffle from Wafles and Dinges if you dress in your Belgian finest...colors that is. That's black, yellow, and red, HEAD TO TOE my friends...a baseball cap will not do. (Send me pics if you go!) According to the W&D website, you'll be able to find the truck in Manhattan on Friday at 52nd Street between 6th and 7th Aves from 10:00 am - 4:30 pm and at 7th Ave & Christopher Street from 6pm- 1am. If you can't make it for the freebie, hit up your favorite breakfast joint or make your own with the recipe I posted here. Enjoy!

1 comment:

WendyB said...

Way too much work for a free waffle, but I hope to see other people do it!